We had such a great day at @PCS_Pride Elementary — even our food was smiling!
🙂 #PlainsmenPride
We have an all-star cast of Plainsmen 🏈 alumni in stripes for today’s JH game. So why do you officiate?
“Someone did it for us when we were kids. We’re just paying it back.” L to R: Nick Turner (2010), Erik Snyder (2022), Blake Poppe (2013) & Alex Malmkar (2013)
#NSAARespectTheRef #PlainsmenPride
So glad one of our littlest Plainsmen could swing by for a visit. It’s good to see that his momma, Miss Brandie, is already decking him out in red, black and white! #PlainsmenPride
Sometimes all it takes is a little change — something different to mix things up and engage learners. Today students are using personal wipe boards as they work on identifying, naming, drawing and measuring various angles. #EngagedLearners #WhyWeDoWhatWeDo
4th Grade:
Last week students read a personal narrative about guavas. Today Miss Snogren brought guavas to class for students to try. #NewExperiences @Amplify #CKLA