C2-6 District Speech
🗓️ Monday, Mar. 11, 2024
⏰ 10:00 a.m. MT
📍 PCS Jr/Sr HS - Grant, NE
As a reminder, there will be no school for PCS on Monday, Mar. 11, 2024. The public is invited to support our team and attend this District event.
8th Grade Art:
PCS Senior, Ava Reese, is a TA for Mr. Stephenson. She is interested in pursuing a degree in education. As such, she tried out an ice cream lesson with the 8th graders where she talked about trying to draw realistically as well as with meaning. The ice cream was to try and symbolize the artist’s personality!
Mrs. Cunningham’s students are wrapping up a science unit on force. Students are testing to see which objects are attracted to magnets.
The @PCS_Pride HS Quiz Bowl team just went 5-0 and finished 1st at the Hershey Invite!
Teams Defeated: Hershey, Paxton, Ogallala, Sutherland, Stapleton
(L to R): Madi, Brock, Grace, Mason, Shyne, Lauren, Myles, Ryder, Conner (absent - Anley)
Read Across America Week:
Preschool students read a book to a group of 6th graders, and in return the 6th graders read them a picture book.
Read Across America Week:
Preschool students read a book to a group of 6th graders, and in return the 6th graders read them a picture book.
Thank you to the FFA Hired Hand Auction buyers and donors (2024). Your over-the-top support raised $46,161. This, combined with last year’s funds, means our FFA can now ** FULLY FUND ** our Animal Learning Lab for future Ag students.
A handful of @PCS_Pride juniors kicked off the day by reading to our Elementary students for Read Across America Week.
Maxwell Speech Meet Results
(Mar. 2, 2024): #plainsmenpride
What better way to kick off Read Across America week than with community members volunteering to read to classes?!
K- Michelle Ross
1- Connie Mahnken
2- Monica Poppe
3- Austin Reisig
4- Lila Konecky
5- Val Foster
6- Adair Reese
What better way to kick off Read Across America week than with community members volunteering to read to classes?!
K- Michelle Ross
1- Connie Mahnken
2- Monica Poppe
3- Austin Reisig
4- Lila Konecky
5- Val Foster
6- Adair Reese
If you're looking for some great entertainment on this fine Saturday, get on down to Perkins County Elementary for “Jack and the Beanstalk” from the Missoula Children's Theater. Shows are 2:00 PM and 4:30 PM. We’d love to see you here to support our community youth!
Missoula Theater Practice
🗓️ Friday, Mar. 1, 2024
⏰ 1:45-4:45 PM
• for all cast members
⏰ 5:00-6:00 PM
•for all members except
the wonder beans
Bring a good snack and water!
“Wizards and Wands”
🗓️ Tuesday, Mar. 5, 2024
⏰ 9:00 a.m. MT
📍 MPR Gym - Jr/Sr HS
The public is invited to attend the 7th grade drama class’s play production.
🎭 #SupportTheArts
Kindergarten students enjoyed their time working with Missoula Children's Theater organizers.
HS band members got to be “College Musicians for a Day” at @chadronstate which included presentations from professors, performances from current CSC students and rehearsing with the Jazz Band and Wind Symphony group.
PCS Musicians Attending:
Ella Uehling
Aragorn Green
Mason McGreer
Grace LaGrange
Congrats to this week’s PC Elementary Plainsmen of the Week:
These students were selected by staff for demonstrating their #PlainsmenPride.
Positivity, Responsible, Inclusive, Driven, and Empower:
PK: Leo
K: Alyce
1: Jhett
2: Selene
3: Fernanda
4: Karlee
5: Bella
6: Kolbe
Hired Hand Auction
C2-6 District BBB @ Kearney Cath.
Perkins County - 17
Summerland - 35
🏀 #plainsmenpride
C2-6 District BBB @ Kearney Cath.
End of 1st Qtr.
Perkins County - 10
Summerland - 12
🏀 #plainsmenpride